Mentorship Program
Why Mentorship?
Our Mentorship program pairs beginning and experienced farmers. Why? In the Fall of 2021, we surveyed farmers ahead of our organizational launch. When we asked about what programs or events farmers wanted (field days, an apprenticeship program, etc.), the #1 thing that farmers asked for was a mentorship program. We listened and we're pleased to say we've begun our second round of this great program..
Thanks to grant support from the Indiana State Department of Agriculture, PIFF and the Hoosier Young Farmers Coalition piloted a mentorship program in 2023 and 2024.
How Mentorship Works:
Here’s how the program works:
Mentors and mentees receive a $1,200 and $800 stipend respectively to help cover their time engaging as well as travel to four in-person events. For mentors, this includes a training on how to be a strong mentor.
The mentorship program includes regular interactions for the mentor/mentee pair, including:
A kick-off event and a closing event with all 10 mentor/mentee pairs. Both events will be hosted on a farm in central Indiana, including a farm tour, potluck, and time to get to know each other and reflect on the mentorship experience.
A visit to the mentor’s farm.
A visit to the mentee’s farm.
A midway virtual group gathering to check-in as a whole cohort
Six (minimum) virtual conversations via phone/zoom that dive into key topics.
The chance to ask questions in real time, as the season progresses, via text/email.
We provide a workbook to guide the mentorship sessions, including reflections to prepare for the session’s topic and prompts to facilitate the actual mentor-mentee conversation. Each pair decides what topics to cover for each meeting, and can tailor the curriculum to fit their mentee’s needs and the mentor’s experience.
We're happy that we've had excellent support from some partner organizations. The 2023 and 2024 programs were co-hosted by the Hoosier Young Farmers Coalition (HYFC) and Partners IN Food and Farming (PIFF), with grant support from the Indiana State Department of Agriculture's (ISDA) Specialty Crop Block Grant.
Can I apply now?
We are not currently accepting application for the Mentorship Program. We hope you will consider applying for our next round. Be the first to know when we're accepting applications by signing up for PIFF's e-newsletter, and by following us on Facebook or Instagram.
Curious about serving as a Mentor in the future?
Click here to read more about how Mentors will help their mentees, what's expected, and what's not.
Interested in being paired with a Mentor in the future?
Click here to read more about what's expected of Mentees, what you might gain and how you'd contribute.
Mentorship Update, 2023-2024
Interested in what we've done so far? The report on the left is full of information about our first two cohorts. Click on the image at left to view it.