Resource Library

Explore a curated list of resources, organizations, grants and funding opportunities. 

Find Federal Funding Freeze Resources 

Covering topics from no till practices to mindfulness practices for farmers.

Some of our organzational partners that we'd suggest you check out!

Grants that we think you should know about!

PIFF Webinars & Event Recordings

February 10th, 2025

Tools for Crafting a Successful Farm Business Plan

In this interactive webinar, Dr. Maria Marshall from Purdue's Department of Agricultural Economics and North Central Regional Center for Rural Development walks through how to use the INventure Business planner.

This free, user-friendly software is designed to help farmers develop their business plan step-by-step!

This event is a collaboration between PIFF and Purdue 's Diversified Farming and Food Systems Team

Are we missing a resource that you love? Let us know!